It has been reported in some sections of media that due to delineation of Kotputli Tehsil into Kotputli and Paota Tehsils, some candidates from new Paota Tehsil had registered under Kotputli Tehsil but got domicile of Paota Tehsil and could not participate in rally on the day earmarked for Kotputli Tehsil. It is pertinent to note that the civil administration has notified that the delineation has been effective from 2019.
Accordingly, candidates are expected to register under correct Tehsil after three years of such delineation becoming effective. However, as a onetime measure candidates of Paota Tehsil who had reported on the day of Kotputli Tehsil and did not participate in the rally will be given opportunity for appearing in the rally on13 Oct . Such candidates should check Join Indian Army website and download admit card.
It is emphasized that the Indian Army is working for selecting the best candidates by offering fair chances to all eligible candidates.